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日期:15-01-04 发布人:东立炭化木

杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook)






【来源】为杉科杉属植物杉木Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.,以根、树皮、球果、木材、叶和杉节入药。四季可采,鲜用或晾干备用。




Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook) Gymnosperms, taxodiaceae. Evergreen tree species; tree crown spire; huge, height up to 35 meters, diameter up to 2 meters. Bark gray brown, elongated limbs fall, spreading; branchlets opposite or verticillate. Leaves leathery, lanceolate, 2.5-6.5 cm long carbonized wood, apex acute, following along midvein on both sides of a white stomatal bands. Seed cones ovoid, 2.5-5 cm long, diameter 3-4 cm; bracts triangular ovate, apex spiny pointed; scales small, apex 3 - lobed, ventral 3 seed. This kind of spread in the south of Qinling Mountains, 2000 meters below sea level slopes and hilly rare tree species. Is one of the important tree species for timber China. Chinese fir trunk straight, huge, wood texture straight, soft structure of raw materials, detailed, no cracking, corrosion resistance, excellent timber wood species, is one of the most abundant Chinese South capital. Sugiki Sungchangmin, as a fast-growing forest is a large area of afforestation. [alias] fir, cedar, fir, cedar, thorn day centipede, a thousand knives [source] in the Taxodiaceae Araucaria plant Cunninghamia lanceolata Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook., in root, bark, cones, wood, leaves Heshan Festival medicine. The four seasons can be collected, fresh or dried standby. Tropism of taste] [symplectic, lukewarm. [indications] pain, blood stasis and hemostasis. For chronic bronchitis, stomach ache, rheumatism and joint pain; external use in treating traumatic injury, burn and scald, traumatic bleeding, allergic dermatitis. [usage] root, bark, was 0.5 ~ 1 two 1 ~ 3 two, cone; appropriate topical skin external application, powdered, or skin Leaves washed fried, with Chinese fir powdered oil regulating deposited surface of the skin burn and scald.

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