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日期:14-11-12 发布人:东立炭化木



脱离罗某的门市后,景某兵和刘某才还对罗某门市前的乌木记忆犹新,所以两人又打起了歪 心思:乌木已然放在门市外,看守应该不严,通过两次踩点,自觉现已摸清了规则的两人于10月23日清晨1时许,将租来的面包车开至罗某门市前,并让“招 募”来的6名搬运工悄悄将乌木搬到车上运走。 


In 2014 November 9th, the Yibin news network reporter Jiang from the county public security bureau learns, two operation ebony business man caught for stealing the ebony, two people have been in accordance with the local police criminal detention.

According to the introduction, operation business people in Zigong ebony king a soldier and Yibin Cuiping District to buy Liu Moucai Jiangan County ebony. When two people go to Jiang'an County Xuefu Road Luomou shop, see a big oval ebony on the ground, two people immediately buy idea, because the cash with no, at that time had to walk out.

From the Luomou outlets, scene of a soldier and Liu Moucai also Luomou outlets before the ebony fresh, so two people playing the wrong idea: Ebony has put in store, the guard should not strictly, through two case, consciousness has found out the rules of the two people in October 23 day morning 1 when Xu, will rent to the van to Luomou stores before, and let the "6 porters to recruit" will quietly and ebony to move the car away.

Jiang after police received a tip, immediately open the query. Deepen the search by the police, in recently will view a soldier and Liu Moucai arrested. Afterwards the ebony weighing when found stolen ebony weighs about one thousand pounds, valuable. It is understood that the Jiangan County Public Security Bureau has been on the scene a soldier, Liu Moucai in accordance with the law, criminal detention.

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